PSR (Parish School of Religion) begins this Wednesday evening!


All our PSR families, Moms, Dads and children should come to the Church at 6:00 p.m. Make sure you wear a facemask once you get to Church! At that time our PSR teachers/catechists will be introduced for Track 1 which meets on a weekly basis every Wednesday from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. This Track 1 group includes:

Our First Graders (First Sacraments) who are beginning to learn about the faith in a formal setting, Our Second Graders (Second Sacraments) who are doing the final preparation for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion, Our Seventh Graders who are learning about all of the Sacraments, And our Eighth Graders who are preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation.

After the Track 1 PSR children are with their PSR teachers/catechists, they will leave the Church and go to their classrooms. This will leave in Church the Moms and Dads from Track 1 and all of the other Moms, Dads and children from Track 2. Because of the pandemic, our PSR program on Wednesday evenings will include this Track 2.


The Track 2 will only meet twice a month on the first and third Wednesdays. This will include the rest of our students in grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 along with their parents AND the parents from Track 1. This time will be a moment for Whole Family Learning and Catechesis. Both Father Rick and Father Brian will be leading these discussions.

Understandably, PSR looks different from previous years! Please try it and help to make it a success for everyone…including our children!


See you this Wednesday, October 7 in the Church at 6:00 p.m.! Once again, bring your facemask.

Bienvenidos al Miércoles PSR (Parish School of Religion – Escuela Parroquial de Religión)
PSR (Parish School of Religion – Escuela Parroquial de Religión) comenzará el miércoles, 7 de Octobre. Las clases para los grados uno, dos, siete y ocho estarán en la Iglesia a las 6:00pm. Desde la iglesia, los estudiantes serán despedidos a su salón de clases. Se les pide a los padres que vengan a reunirse con sus hijos en su aula a las 7:30pm.

La preparación para la primera comunión es un programa de dos años. El primer año es una introducción a la fe. El segundo año prepara al niño para la primera reconciliación y primera comunión. La preparación para el Sacramento de la confirmación comienza con una revisión de todos los sacramentos en el grado 7. El grado 8 es cuando el niño se prepara para la confirmación.
¡Nos vemos este miércoles 7 de octubre en la Iglesia a las 6:00pm! Una vez más, trae tu mascarilla.

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